Alley Cat Games Associate Sponsors

UK Games Expo is delighted to welcome Alley Cat again supporting Virtually Expo as associate sponsors.
We caught up with them on Twitch this week, this is what Alley Cat Games have to say:
"The team at Alley Cat Games loves making board games but a lot of what we do is behind closed doors.
The UK Games Expo is a highlight of every year because it gives us the opportunity to share that enthusiasm for tabletop with you, showcase our games in person and answer any questions you might have for us too".

"Last year was particularly special as two of our games (Dice Hospital and Ruthless) won awards at the UKGE show.
Although this year is virtual we are so excited about all of our newest releases.
Join us at our booth where we will be hosting live play throughs, answering questions and hosting giveaways".

"We can't wait to tell you all about Dice Theme Park, our next Kickstarter game, set in the Dice Hospital universe, about creating and running your own park of fairground attractions.
We’ll also be showing another exciting upcoming 2020 Kickstarter, Eternal Palace, a dice placement game about returning a palace to its former glory, whilst capturing this reconstruction in gorgeous painted pieces you will collect".

"Not only this but we also have even more exciting news with Dice Hospital Community Care, 3 Dice Hospital expansions in 1 box, Tungaru our dice placement game about early Polynesian settlers, and Tinderblox and Kittin our fast fun dexterity games will be released into retail too.
From all of the team at Alley Cat Games, we look forward to seeing you there!"
Find our more about Alley Cat Games and keep in touch here: