Ares Games supporting sponsors of UKGE 2020

Ares Games returns for 2020.
After a great experience in 2019 - when Ares Games made its debut at UK Games Expo - the publisher will be back to the show in 2020 as a supporting sponsor.
“UK Games Expo is a great opportunity to meet British players and bring them our latest releases, introduce new games and preview upcoming titles. UK is a very important market for us, with a dedicated audience, especially for miniature games”, commented Christoph Cianci, CEO of Ares Games.

New Releases and a Preview.
This year, Ares will bring to UK Games Expo the second edition of the acclaimed strategy board game WW2 Quartermaster General.
Alongside this we will be bringing the retail edition of the fantasy game Black Rose Wars, the post-apocalyptic game Last Aurora, and many new releases for Wings of Glory and Battlestar Galactica - Starship Battles games (winner of the 2019 UKGE Award as Best Miniatures Game).
We also have a preview of the upcoming solo and cooperative vampire board game Masters of the Night, planned to release in Winter 2020.

New Global Campaign.
At UK Games Expo 2020, Ares also prepares to launch the new global campaign of Battlestar Galactica - Starship Battles, following the success of the 2019 “33 Campaign”.
Battlestar Galactica - Starship Battles is a world-spanning series of events inspired by the first episode of the Reimagined series, with massive multi-player events held at all major shows the company will attend."