Articles for this year's programme

UK Games Expo needs you!
Each year we invite submissions for articles which will feature in the UK Games Expo Programme which is given out to everyone over the three days of the Show.
What the articles should be about:
This is pretty much open to anything which will be of general interest to Expo visitors. The show is for a family friendly audience with lots of people from different gaming backgrounds as well as brand new gamers who read the programme. Articles should be accessible and able to talk to a wide audience and be of general interest.
Our past programmes give you an idea of what has been submitted over the years:

What we need and when:
We need ideas for articles, which you would then write as a finished copy for the programme.
If you are interested please send us:
- The title
- 100 word elevator pitch on what the article will be about
- A few bullet points on what the article covers in terms of content
- 250 words as a sample of your writing style for this
This must be submitted by 31st January 2020.

If your idea is chosen then we will need:
- Your final article of no more than 1500 words
- If you have images please send high res versions (less than 10 Mbs)
- Submissions via email in Word Document electronic format
This must be submitted by 8th April 2020.
All submissions to be sent by email to:
Good luck! We look forward to seeing your submissions.