Cubicle 7 are back as Associate Sponsors

We are very pleased to welcome back Cubicle 7 as Associate Sponsors of the UKGE 2020. here's what they had to say:
"Cubicle 7 are thrilled to be supporting UKGE again in 2020 and look forward to another amazing event!
Cubicle 7 are the award-winning creative team behind many RPGs and games including Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition. The WFRP Starter Set proved very popular in 2019 and was followed by Rough Nights and Hard Days, a fantastic set of new and classic adventures by legendary Warhammer designer Graeme Davis.
Look out for these titles and the WFRP core Rulebook in your local games store, or find out more here.
Cubicle 7 recently released the PDFs for Volume 1 of the revised and updated Director’s Cut of WFRP: Enemy Within Campaign.
WFRP Enemy in Shadows is the first part of the epic Enemy Within campaign, the sequence of WFRP adventures that inspired a generation of gamers. WFRP: Enemy in Shadows Companion is also available in PDF on DrivethruRPG or to pre-order on Cubicle 7’s webstore.
The Companion is packed with additional rules, optional NPCs, tantalising adventure hooks, and wise words of advice for GMs! Cubicle 7 are also working on an amazing Collector’s Edition of the Enemy Within campaign!

While currently available in PDF, the WFRP Gamemaster’s Screen is due in stores in 2020.
The screen is accompanied by a 32 page Gamemaster’s Guide full to bursting with tips, tricks, and optional rules to expand your campaigns in new and exciting directions.
Cubicle 7 have extensive plans for 2020, highlights include Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound RPG, Warhammer Wrath & Glory 40,000 Rulebook, Doctor Who - The Twelfth Doctor Sourcebook and many many more! Cubicle 7 have been sharing lots of updates and art from these upcoming releases and more on their blog.

Cubicle 7 look forward to sharing more exclusive news on other projects at UKGE!
Until then, you can find all the latest news on or follow Cubicle 7 on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram".