Ian Livingstone at UK Games Expo.

Ian Livingstone Stand 2-T95.
Acknowledged as a founding father of the UK games industry, Ian Livingstone co-founded Games Workshop in 1975, launching Dungeons & Dragons in Europe, Warhammer, White Dwarf, Citadel Miniatures and the Games Workshop retail chain before embarking on a very successful career in the video games industry.
He co-authored The Warlock of Firetop Mountain with Steve Jackson in 1982, the first game book in the Fighting Fantasy series which has sold 20 million copies worldwide. He has written 15 books in the series including Deathtrap Dungeon. Fighting Fantasy gamebooks are credited with improving children’s critical thinking and literacy levels.
What you might not know is that he is Chairman of Sumo Group plc and co-founding Partner of Hiro Capital, a VC fund investing in video games studios as well as a leading advocate for ‘the power of play’ and digital creativity. In 2011 co-authored the Livingstone-Hope Next Gen review published by NESTA, recommending changes in ICT education policy to include computer science in the national curriculum. He chaired the Next Gen Skills campaign, working with government to introduce the new Computing curriculum in schools in 2014. He is opening The Livingstone Academy Bournemouth in September 2021 in association with Aspirations Academies Trust.
Along with four Honorary Doctorates and a BAFTA Special Award, he is a CBE and also at the UK Games Expo with his latest game books including the hardback edition of Assassins of Allansia plus Board Games in 100 Moves for sale on Stand 2-T95.
Ian will be signing copies of books as well as giving an entertaining and visual talk on Friday at 5:30pm about his struggles as an entrepreneur in the 1970s and the history of the multi-million-selling Fighting Fantasy game book series (which are still in print today almost 40 years later). He will end by listing his top ten favourite board games from his collection of more than 1,000 games. As part of this session there will be a Q+A session at the end and a book signing session.
Ian is looking forward to luring 'Dark Room' John Robertson to his Fighting Fantasy doom again at 6pm on Saturday, 31st July at the City of Thieves live reading.
Make sure you visit Ian Livingstone: