Japanime Games returns with a kickstarter

Japanime Games returns with a kickstarter
Japanime Games is excited to once again return to the UK Games Expo! 2020 is already an amazing year for us bringing Cowboy Bebop: Space Serenade to market in addition to launching Testament, a cooperative dungeon crawling experience inspired by MMOs, specifically FF14, on Kickstarter in February.
Now, we’re working on bringing Tokyo Sidekick, the biggest cooperative Superhero board game to come out of Japan!

Focusing on Cowboy Bebop and Tokyo Sidekick, we wanted to give a swift overview before you visit us to check it out for yourself!
Join the Japanime Games Discord to get scheduled for a demo!
Based on the amazing show that got so many of us into Anime in the first place, Cowboy Bebop Space Serenade is a semi-cooperative deck-building game where your goal is to help take down bounties and ideally be the one to bring them in.
Eventually, Vicious appears and the crew needs to work together to bring him down before he escapes.
Accomplishing this feat garners more renown, but the one with the most points at the end is the top-gun bounty hunter in the system!
If you'd like to learn more, check out the video by clicking the image above or visit us at our virtual booth located 2-102 and we'll be more than happy to get you prepared to be the bounty hunter out there!

If you would like to know more about our games, visit us at https://japanimegames.com/