Lucky Duck Games are back as Supporting Sponsors
20 January, 2022

Lucky Duck Games return as Supporting Sponsors of UK Games Expo!
Lucky Duck Games is an international tabletop game publisher best known for industry-leading
digital hybrid board games.
Following the critically acclaimed digital hybrid game Chronicles of Crime, they made further
waves with the smash hit Destinies and the first two games in the new Lucky Duck Kids line,
Kids Chronicles: Quest for the Moon Stones and Yummy Yummy Monster Tummy.
Lucky Duck has also announced an upcoming crowdfunding campaign for a 16+ game titled
“The Dark Quarter”, which sees them collaborating with publisher Van Ryder Games.
The campaign launches in March 2022.
“We’re building upon a successful year and we view becoming a Supporting Sponsor of the UK
Games Expo as an opportunity to continue that growth in 2022,”
says Marketing Manager Bree Goldman.
“UK Games Expo offers a fantastic opportunity to engage with a huge audience of tabletop and
hobby gamers in the UK. This is a can’t-miss event for us!”
You’ll be able to see Lucky Duck Games’ entire range of exciting games when they return to UK
Games Expo this year.