Only 5 days to go to UKGE 2021!

There are only 5 days to go to UK Games Expo 2021!
This is a hit list of what's on and where to find it.

What's On?
▪New things at Expo: Our exhibitors have listed things which are new to back, play, buy or try at the show here.
▪Exhibitors: With over 200 exhibitors keen to show off their gaming goodness you can find them on our interactive hall map.
▪Demos: Want to try before you buy or see more about a game? Check out the exhibitor demos, presentations and special events at the show here.
▪Playtest Zone: Play test games in development and be part of making them real here.
▪Family focus: Join in with all the family with our family specific activities here.
▪RPGs: Roleplaying games are in the NEC Piazza suites this year, book a game now.
▪Seminars: listen to and join in our seminar programme here.
▪Live shows: Take the weight off and take in a nerdy, gaming related live show here.
▪Tournaments: Fancy competing at your favourite game? Book into a tournament now.
▪Cosplay and Vikings: Dress up as your favourite character and join our CosPlayers and Vikings. Find out more here.
▪Awards 2021: Don't forget to login to your account vote for the awards here.
▪Open Gaming: There are over 2000 seats for you to play games in Hall 3.
UKGE Preview: Spirit Magazine have done a nice preview piece here.

Finding things:
To help you navigate the Expo we have released the programme and the interactive hall map so you can plan your Expo.
▪UKGE Programme: Available here online and with free printed copies at the show.
▪Interactive Hall Map: New for this year, search and locate who you want to see on your mobile or pick up a printed map at the show.
Being Safe:
The UKGE COVID Measures and Entry Rules are kept up to date here.
We look forward to seeing you at the show.