OnTableTop returns as UK Games Expo Media Partner
15 December, 2021

The partnership between UK Games Expo and our media partner, OnTableTop has been very successful and has lasted 5 years now.
During that time they have covered the build up to the show as well as streamed from the event, helping inform and update gamers at the show, in the UK and around the world.
In 2020 they were a key participant in Virtually Expo but it was great to welcome them back at a real world show in July 2021.
We look forward to a return to the full team visiting in June 2022. At this coming show they will be much more visible, not just on screen but in the flesh on stage in the middle of Hall 2. Let's hear more about how they see the partnership and their plans:
OnTableTop is delighted to once again be the media partner of UK Games Expo for 2022. The past two years have been a trying time for many and we are looking forward to meeting many of our friends from the community and the industry face-to-face. Plus, we hope to meet many new friends as the UK Games Expo returns in all its glory!
We have over a decade worth of experience in reporting on the tabletop industry and have built up a worldwide community throughout that time. So, for us, UK Games Expo is a chance to meet and play with like-minded people, as well as reach out to companies to gain the scoop on what's in the works when it comes to all aspects of the tabletop hobby!
As always, our roving band of reporters will be showcasing the best and brightest that UK Games Expo has to offer. This year, we also have a live studio right in the heart of the action where we'll be hosting interviews and ways for the audience to participate in competitions and more throughout the weekend.
Make sure to stop by and say hi to us in person, or check out the live streams throughout the three days of the convention to see what else is happening at UK Games Expo.