Return to the Arena – Kickstarter Campaign Launches February 25th, 2020

Following the successful launch of Radiant: Offline Battle Arena in October 2019, Heel Turn Games, one of UK Games Expo's exhibitors, is proud to announce the next wave of products for Radiant: Offline Battle Arena.
Coming to Kickstarter on February 25th, 2020.
"2020 will see the release of two new expansions: The Haunting of Dun Cruach and Wardens of White Forest as well as Radiant: Champion Edition.
Champion Edition is a complete collection of every Radiant product released to date – including the two new expansions.
Champion Edition is the perfect opportunity for newcomers to discover why Geek & Sundry called Radiant: Offline Battle Arena “The ultimate MOBA for your tabletop!”
To find out more about all the incredible content we’ve got heading your way, read on!"