Run a roleplaying game at Virtually Expo!

We need your RPG submissions for Virtually Expo.
We are looking for DMs, GMs, Narrators and story tellers to run their games at Virtually Expo. If you want to tell your story in an online and virtual format then please submit your event here.
Games will run from 6pm Friday 21st August with the last game starting no later than 8pm each evening.
We are taking submissions for RPGs immediately and will add on other options for people to run games as we confirm technical aspects in the next week or so.
For more information or specific role playing game question please contact our RPG manager John Dodd who will give guidance:
What do you fancy running at Virtually Expo?
#VirtuallyExpo #UKGE2020 #UKGamesExpo #VirtualConvention #GamesConvention