Shanghai Whist....Not from Shanghai...nor Whist!

Shanghai Whist...
While a lot of us have a wide variety of quality, published games to play, there's something to be said about the creativity of making up your own game. These are often based loosely on ideas from other games you liked or even an original concept or because all you have to hand is a pile of gravel, red and blue crayons and half a pack of playing cards!
To inspire folk to be creative in creating their own home brew games, we would like to share this gem from Richard Denning, one of UKGE's directors.
"These are the rules for a card game called Shanghai Whist as taught to me by American Missionaries in Kijabe Hospital, Kenya in 1988 where I was a student for 9 weeks on my ‘elective’ from med School. No internet. Not much on the TV! As they said ‘It’s neither from Shanghai or a game of whist’
Over the years this has become a staple of our family holidays and can play from 3 to ‘many’ just with extra packs of cards but circa 3 to 8 players works well.
Nowadays even my aunt who is not a gamer asks for the rules before her holidays. All that are needed are 2 decks of cards, paper and pencil".
Rules for Shanghai Whist here.
What creative games have you made up that could be or are family favourites?