1 August, 2021

Thank you!
Sunday 1st August 2021.
The show has closed, the clear up is in progress and people are either gradually heading home or still gaming in the local area.
This is a huge thank you to everyone who came to UK Games Expo 2021...
...and to everyone who helped make it happen including all those who couldn't be at the show.
It has been a challenging year and a bit and we are incredibly thankful for all the help and support over the last few months and delighted with the amazing turn out over the last three days.
This is a massive thank you to each and every one of you.
- Our keen and lovely customers who were so kind and mindful of one another during the show.
- Our patient and innovative sponsors and exhibitors who have brought brilliant things to the show and supported us through all the craziness.
- Our Press who spread the word of the Show and give us amazing coverage.
- Our fantastic volunteers who's enthusiasm and friendliness are a joy to behold.
- Our contractors without whom we would not be able to set up/take down or run the show.
We cannot do this without you and we are exceptionally pleased to have achieved this in 2021.