UK KeyForge Vault Tour and L5R Grand Kotei tickets on sale now.
Fantasy Flight Gamers!
Tickets for the UK KeyForge Vault Tour and L5R Grand Kotei at UK Games Expo are on sale now here.
More card game tournaments will continue to be added later.

Vault Tour:
The Fantasy Flight Games 2020 UK Vault Tour is at UK Games Expo 2020.
"The Crucible's greatest prizes—the richest knowledge available to the planet's mysterious and godlike Archons—lie locked within numerous hidden Vaults. In KeyForge, you become an Archon, racing (and battling) other Archons to reap enough Æmber to forge keys and open these precious Vaults."
For more information about the Vault Tour have a look at their site:
Book your tickets for the tournament here.

Legend of the Five Rings.
The L5R Grand Kotei returns to the UK Games Expo.
"Enter the vibrant world of Rokugan with Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, a Living Card Game® of honor and conflict for two players! Drawing on the legacy of AEG’s original Legend of the Five Rings collectible card game, and now reimagined with new mechanics, story, and the Living Card Game distribution model, you are invited to join the Great Clans, uphold the tenets of Bushidō, and fulfill your duty to your daimyō and the Emperor in a world shaped and changed by a dynamic, player-influenced story".
Book your L5R Grand Kotei tickets for the tournament here.