UKGE 2021 Attendance Figures
3 August, 2021

UK Games Expo 2021: Currently the largest hobby games show in the world....
UKGE 2021 is one of the first large consumer shows to run since the start of the pandemic...which means that since the start of 2020.....
UK Games Expo is *currently* the largest physical hobby games show in the world!
@Gen_Con Tag! You're it!

UKGE 2021 Attendance Figures
We are extremely pleased with this year's attendance. The numbers are about 42% of 2019.
Given the world wide situation we had a reasonable prediction of numbers but actually getting to see so many people at the show is just terrific.
UKGE 2021 Attendance:
Unique visitors: 10,671
Repeat visitors: 18,430
We wish anyone planning and about to run an event the very best of luck and success.