UKGE Awards short list is out now.

UKGE Awards short list is out now.
The UK Games Expo Virtually Expo Awards have been shortlisted and are now available to browse here.
Congratulations to all those shortlisted!
We had even more entries this year than last from those people exhibiting at the show. Huge thanks to everyone who submitted their game to the UKGE Awards 2020.
The games have been sent out to our judges around the country and after great deliberation and assessment we have three short listed games in each category. Thanks to our judges for safely and diligently considering each game.
Have a look at the short listed winners here.
While there is a Judges Award Winner YOU have a chance to vote in the awards closer to the show. The People's Award is as coveted as the Judges awards for the UKGE, so make sure you have a look at the shortlist and check out the games ready to vote on in a few weeks time.