Virtually Expo: What is it and how will it work?

"Over the last 3 months we have been hard at work creating Virtually Expo.
Exhibitors and Sponsors are on board, Events are being organised, Tournaments scheduled, Roleplaying Games submitted, Live Shows setup and even the Vikings are preparing to go online.
There is one key element needed for this event to work: you.
There are now 6 weeks to go until Virtually Expo opens its online doors and we need you to be outside ready to come in and bring the show to life.
So let us tell you what we have planned and how it will work".
Richard and Tony and the UKGE team.

Prefer to watch and listen rather than read?
Click the image above to listen to an update on the show.
UK Games Expo has its own Twitch and You Tube Channels.
Between now and the show we are streaming between about 1pm and 3pm every Wednesday so tune in on the UK Games Expo Twitch Channel or catch up later on You Tube.
Virtually Expo Home Page
The Virtually Expo home page will go fully live just before the show and will be your jumping off point for the Virtual show. It will contain Live Stream Channels giving you access to seminars, commentary and a selection of demos and events.
From here you can see at a glance upcoming events - tournaments, RPGs, seminars and exhibitor events.

Events being organised include:
- Tournaments
- Roleplaying Games
- Seminars
- Publisher-Designer Activities
- Exhibitor Q+A and Live demos
- Live Shows
- Cosplay and Re-enactors

Accessing Events
You can access events from the front page, from exhibitor stands and also from dedicated event listings and schedules.
The events will each list how to access the event.
These can include: on a Discord Channel, Twitch Stream or on a platform such as Tabletopia and Board Game Arena.

Browse the Trade Hall
Exhibitors are already setting up stands and getting them ready for you to visit.
When you visit the hall you can explore it by wandering down the aisle and clicking on any stand or by searching by name and category.
Clicking on a stand will allow you to see what the exhibitors have to demo or buy and can allow interaction with them.

Be part of the community
Virtually Expo is not just about clicking links. We want you to feel part of the community.
Come and chat in our Twitch Streams, interact with the exhibitors and join the Virtually Expo Discord Channel.
Follow the Discord link from the front page of the UKGE website to unlock key features and make sure you are logged into your Expo account.
Right now you can join in with the great British tradition of getting in the queue.
Who knows what you may find at the front.

How to take part
To participate at Virtually Expo all you need is a UK Games Expo Account which is free and easy to set up.
Are you coming to Virtually Expo? If so let us know and claim your first badge
What badge?
Well we have a load of achievements badges to collect at Virtually Expo. Some are easy and obvious, other more secretive and one or two - well let's just say we will be impressed if you find them all.
Get your first badge today: [go to the UKGE home page, make sure you are logged in and then scroll down and look for "I'll be there."
PRESS THE BUTTON and see what happens.