Welcome to Virtually Expo Sponsors

Welcome to Virtually Expo Sponsors
A huge thank you to our Major and Associate sponsors
UK Games Expo's Virtually Expo is very pleased to announce our Major and Associate sponsors for the virtual show.
We are very grateful for their support and input which has helped to make this year's show possible.
Thank you.
Please welcome...

Major Sponsors:
Pegasus Spiele
Pegasus Spiele have taken a major sponsorship for Virtually Expo! Pegasus Spiele is known as a successful distributor and publisher of successful and award winning board games. See their games here.

Coiledspring Games
Coiledspring Games who are sponsoring the Let's Play area of the family zone have levelled up to Major sponsors for the virtual show. Coiledspring Games are the UK’s exclusive distributer for some of the best games and puzzles on the planet. Find out more about their family friendly offerings here: https://coiledspring.co.uk/

Catan Studios:
Virtually Expo welcome back Catan Studio™ who develop and publish Catan® games— which they describe as the world's preeminent analog game brand. Perhaps this year we can trade virtual wood for sheep? Find out more about Catan here: https://www.catanstudio.com/

Asmodee provide a lot of the demo space at Expo from Days of Wonder to Fantasy Flight Games to the Gateway Games zones and more. Asmodee are a publisher and distributor of board games, card games and role-playing games. Find out more about Asmodee here: https://www.asmodee.co.uk/
Associate Sponsors:
W.R.K.S Games
We welcome to W.R.K.S Games; a fiercely independent developer and publisher of games across PC/Console and Tabletop genres and a new sponsor for UK Games Expo. Check them out here: https://www.wrks-games.com/

Alley Cat Games
Alley Cat Games are also sponsoring Virtually Expo. Independent board game publishers and winners of a number of UK Games Expo Awards, you can find out more about their much rated games here https://www.alleycatgames.com/
Phase Shift
Welcome also to US based Phase Shift as new sponsors for Expo and makers of Dungeon Drop. Make sure you check out their games and also the contests they run on their website here: https://www.phaseshiftgames.com/

Picadice are also new sponsors of Expo and named after the Magpie or Pica bird who's capture is essential to the Picadice game. Find out more about them and their games here: https://www.picadice.com/
Cubicle 7
Cubicle 7 are old favourites at Expo and associate sponsors for Virtually Expo. The creative team behind The One Ring Roleplaying Game, Adventures in Middle-earth, Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Fourth Edition, Age of Sigmar Roleplaying Game, The Doctor Who Card Game, Doctor Who Roleplaying Game, and many more. Find out more here: https://www.cubicle7games.com/
New sponsors of Expo, Kosmos are well known at the show. Bringing you entertaining, high-quality boardgames from the German-engineered Kosmos line. Find out more about their award winning games here: https://www.kosmosgames.co.uk/
We will be hearing more from each of our sponsors over the next few weeks. Which of their games do you recommend?