W.R.K.S. Associate Sponsors of Virtually Expo

We are delighted to welcome W.R.K.S. Games, fiercely independent developers and publishers of games to Virtually Expo as first timers and straight in as Associate Sponsors. This is what Kosala “Kos” Ubayasekara, Founder and CEO had to say about sponsoring:
“I entered the tabletop gaming industry as a professional when I started Silven Publishing as a young fella 20 something years ago, trying to give eBook publishing of the RPG industry the push it needed to go mainstream.
But I got introduced to it as a gamer when I was in my teens with Dungeons and Dragons".

"We were playing once in school when a teacher approached us, stared intently at what we were doing, and then asked …Soooo are you a dungeon or a dragon?
We all burst out laughing together and it was my first understanding of what an immediate community builder and spreader of joy and togetherness that a tabletop RPG can be.
So when I started WRKS Games a few years ago, we always knew it was going to include tabletop games alongside our PC games".

"We wanted to have a booth this year at the UK Games Expo and when COVID hit and we saw the Expo team keeping the community alive by going virtual this year – it was a no brainer to support that effort.”
Find out more about W.R.K.S. Games and connect with them here: