W.R.K.S Games has a plan to change the game

A platform by indies strictly for indies
It is no secret. Indies have it rough. The market is saturated; the competition is fierce; and there’s only so much real estate on platforms to go around. Being seen by the players is left up to algorithms that favour big name developers and publishers across any gaming medium. Not to mention once an indie has been discovered; platforms take a HUGE chunk of the revenue making it difficult for indies to fund their next project.
W.R.K.S Games has a plan to change the game in favour of the indies! Having experienced the hardships of indie development first-hand, W.R.K.S decided on a different solution: to build a platform by indies strictly for indies!
The W.R.K.S Store is a marketplace built by indie game developer W.R.K.S Games and comes alongside the launch of their pen & paper RPG, Jordenheim. So what is W.R.K.S doing differently and why should you as a gamer take note?
The W.R.K.S Store will only list games developed by independent game developers and publishers. They have thrown away the algorithms of “Top Lists” and “[Insert Platform]’s Paid Features.” You will be able to discover new indies without having to sift through the same games every time you visit the store.
On top of exposing you to more indie games and developers, the W.R.K.S Store is all about supporting indie developers. For every download made, the store cut of the revenue is £1 per download. That is right, they are only taking a single pound for themselves. W.R.K.S Store is hoping this will allow more indie creators to fund more projects for their communities.
The W.R.K.S Store has just launched with a growing number of partners (new games are added all the time). It is currently limited to digital pen and paper RPGs. No worries though, they already have a pipeline in the WRKS to get more types of games onto the platform before Christmas! If you are into indie gaming and into supporting the creation of indie games, be sure to head over to the new store and check out what they have to offer.
Are you an indie developer and want to become a partner?
Do not hesitate to reach out to Cattie Thompson at cattie@wrks-group.com