Living Arcanis - 5E - Sweet Sorrow
A serial killer stalks the streets of the First City. As the threat grows, will you answer the call to end the danger and bring back peace, justice, and good fortune for all, or will you, too, fall victim to this unknown fatal force?
This adventure forms part of the epilogue of the multi-part epic campaign: Coming of The Destroyer story arc. The World of the Shattered Empires Awaits!
Written for mature players that desire to explore a setting of varying shades of grey rather than stark black and white, Arcanis seeks to add a layer of intrigue and moral ambiguity to your gaming table. The adventures presented are part of a rich tapestry that tells the story of the people of Arcanis. While some of these adventures may be played independently of one another, they all weave a story and help unlock the multiple mysteries of the world.
A Standard adventure optimized for 5th level characters. Character creation follows the Living Arcanis Campaign Guide Version 3.9 (December 1, 2024).Follow us on the Official Arcanis Organized Play Campaigns Group on Facebook.