Tournaments & Gaming Events
Guidelines for Hosting Tournaments & Gaming Events at UKGE:
Events primarily take place in Hall 4 at the NEC, although under certain circumstances, they may be held within the Hilton hotel space.
Tournaments or gaming events should be in response to a demand from a player base rather than the start of a marketing campaign.
Games still in playtest development are not suitable for scheduling.
Learn-to-play events and demos are better suited for running on exhibitor stands.

Tournament & Gaming Event FAQs
► Do I need to be an "official" tournament?
You do not have to be from an official organised play company or board game company. Many events are organised by people from passionate community groups or enthusiastic individuals who wish to support their game communities and play their favourite game systems and formats.
► What types of Gaming Events can I run?
These events are aimed at gamers who would like to take part in larger scale gaming events. Mega Games and organised multiplayer games, such as Watch The Skies or Blood on the Clocktower are all part of the Tournament & Gaming schedule of UKGE.
"Free to Play" or "Learn to Play" events are not suitable for this schedule, and should take place on exhibitors stands.
Further Guidance
Tournaments and Gaming Events have some stricter rules for acceptance, and it is important that you take a moment to consider these before submitting your events.
Exhibitor Tournaments
If you are looking to hire space to run your events, please read this PDF guide before submitting your events.
UKGE Tournaments - Exhibitor's Guide
Community Tournaments
If you are planning a shorter tournament or are not an exhibitor, please read this PDF guide before submitting your events.
UKGE Tournaments - Community Tournaments
Talk to us
If you're not sure what type event to submit, or have a unique event you'd like to explore with us, please get in touch.
Email us
Ready to submit your Tournament or Gaming event?
Log into your UKGE account and make sure your details are up-to-date to get started.