Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025
User Menu UK Games Expo

Getting Help

Getting Help at the Show

Looking for a tournament room? Lost or not sure where you are? Holding the map upside down?

NEC Help Desks:
Our help desks are situated in Halls 2 and 3a. These are manned by our ambassadors, who are distinguishable by their Blue Shirts. The ambassador's primary role is to help you, the visitor. So, pop in whenever you need to.

Visit our Terms and Policies pages for more details on all the rules and conditions that apply when attending the UK Games Expo.

UKGE Staff:

In addition to our help desks, if you encounter an event or experience that causes distress, discomfort, or causes you to feel threatened, please report it immediately to any of the following individuals:

  • Yellow Shirt Volunteers
  • Green Shirt Team Leaders
  • Blue Shirt Ambassadors

All of whom will endeavour to resolve the issue.

Role-playing Rooms:

Each room in the role-playing area has an easily identifiable 'Room Captain' (the GM sitting at the bright yellow cloth-covered table) whose role is to monitor activities in the room and take appropriate action in the event of any problems. They can be approached by any player or GM who wishes to raise an issue.


Should approach Exhibition Services, who can summon an appropriate person.

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