Friday 30 May - Sunday 1 Jun 2025
User Menu UK Games Expo

Publisher-Designer Speed Dating

Speed Dating Event

The UK Games Expo Speed-Dating is an opportunity for invited game designers to pitch their games to publishers. Designers will have the chance to pitch to a different publisher every 5 minutes. There will be a short break in the middle of the sessions.

Designers will be invited based on their Sell Sheet and a Rules Sheet.

We guarantee to invite every publisher’s first choice of designer and as many others as possible.

Please be aware that only 24–36 designs are selected from (normally) over 100 entrants.
After the 'speed dating' sessions are finished, Publishers will have the opportunity to discuss designs further while making arrangements to follow up on designs they've expressed an interest in.

Applications are now open. Please read this entire page before applying.

We will announce the successful applicants circa Friday 2nd May.

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Event Eligibility

Ready to play

You must have a prototype that is ready to play. A concept is not enough.

Rule Sheet

Must have a rules sheet submitted for the prototype by midnight on 21st April 2025.

Sell Sheet

Must have a Sell Sheet submitted for the prototype by midnight on 21st April 2025.

Be There

Must be able to attend UK Games Expo at 6pm Friday 30th May . (Online participation is not possible.)

Why Might Your Application Be Rejected?

When you apply for speed dating you will receive an email. An approval email lets you know the entry has been passed to the publishers who will invite some of the applicants to attend the event.

A rejection email will be sent if

  • The submission violates the basic terms and conditions of the show. This would mean it was deemed offensive or inappropriate in some way.
  • It appeared that the submission might violate copyright laws
  • The presentation of the sell sheets and rules were deemed to fall short of a basic standard

Publishers we need you!

We are seeking expressions of interest from Publishers wishing to take part in our 'Speed Dating' sessions. This is an opportunity for you to look at a large number of designs in a short space of time.

Publishers should be in a position to consider the development of designs and potential future publications and be available. If you are interested in taking part please email Richard.

Email: Richard