APE Games

Whale Riders
You are a whale rider. For generations, your people have known and lived with the ice whales and together you've bought and traded at the busy ports along the fabled Ice Coast. You are honored to be the latest in your family to sail with the whales — but the ice is thickening and the glaciers are moving. A deep winter is coming, the fiercest for centuries. You decide to ride your mount one final time before the snows come to buy and sell as much as you can...and maybe even collect some precious pearls along the way. Whale Riders is a new design with a classic feel from game designer Reiner Knizia. In 45 minutes of play, 2-6 players race to the end of the Ice Coast and back, buying and selling as many resources as possible to make the money needed to acquire the richest prizes. Will you skip opportunities to gain the greatest treasure, or will you make your money slowly along the way? Each player has two actions per turn, but a lot they want to accomplish. Sail? Buy? Sell? Draw more order cards? All the while, your opponents might be sailing past and beating you to what's on offer down the coast! Once all the precious pearls have been purchased, the game ends and the player with the most pearls wins! Whale Riders has simple and short rules, but offers a lot of interaction and interesting decisions for players.

Whale Riders Card Game
While preparing for the winter, the whale riders were surprised by a sudden drop in temperature. The Ice Coast will freeze early and will make the journey for supplies even more dangerous than usual.
The riders bond together and journey as a group one final time from port to port. Many supplies are needed for their clans, and the riders agree to band together and commit to sharing one big consignment in each port.
Soon, however, it becomes apparent that the raiders’ preferences for the offered consignments differ greatly. In each port, the to-ing and fro-ing begins anew to close the most preferred deal…
In Whale Riders: The Card Game, a re-implementation of Reiner Knizia's classic card game Trendy, you ride alongside others to buy goods along the Ice Coast, sometimes working together with others only to become competitors again when a better proposition comes along.