Man O' Kent Games

Pacific Command
A World War II tabletop miniatures naval wargame set in the Pacific.
Pacific Command is a naval miniatures wargame focusing on carrier combat in the Pacific during the Second World War, in which fleets of battleships, cruisers, carriers, and destroyers trade savage blows under skies filled with fighting aircraft.
The game features a unique fog-of-war mechanic which simulates the scale of these conflicts and the uncertainty under which admirals had to act. Deploy your fleet first as radar blips, allowing you to conceal the true location and configuration of your forces until it is too late for your opponent. Spring your trap at the opportune moment and descend upon them with torpedo, bomb, and gun.
Pacific Command is underpinned with elegant dice pool mechanics to swiftly resolve both air and sea battles, a tense reconnaissance system, and a flexible command token resource to allow you to outwit and outmanoeuvre your opponent. Bait your enemies to commit their ships and aircraft before you reveal your true plan. With each battle, you take a crucial step on the path to victory in the Pacific.

Pukeapocalypse is a low minis count, miniatures agnostic narrative skirmish game. It’s designed to encourage kitbashing and campaign play for two or more players. A game should last about 45 minutes, so you can play a good chunk of a campaign in a single session.
Pukeapocalypse is a nasty, violent, nihilistic, foul mouthed ride on a torrent of radioactive puke towards the end of the world. It’s punk, horrible and full of gore and grue, knows lots of rude words and likes to use them. You’ll be controlling a bunch of scumbags who are being melted from the inside out by acidic stomach juices, they’re all going to die and have a thoroughly unpleasant time doing it, so they may as well find someone else’s face to spray some of those juices into and share the experience around a bit.

Space Gits
From the creator of GASLANDS comes a dexterity-based skirmish game of lootin', shootin' and scootin'. To move, you roll dice into the play area and have to move directly towards the dice, wherever they land. You shoot pretty much the same, rolling dice and spraying bullets towards them, hoping someone is in the way. Fighting is a twist on throwing rock-paper-scissors, trying to predict if your opponent will throw shove, pinch or thump. Both damage and activations are managed using little towers of dice that you have to move around with your dudes: if the tower ever falls down, so does your orc, and they can't get back up unless a mate boots them up!
I wrote SPACE GITS as an excuse to play with both old school metal orc miniatures and new school resin ones. I also wrote it as an experiment to see (a) how far I can pull control away from you in a miniatures game while still keeping the game worth playing, and (2) if dice-dexterity mechanics can be as funny in a miniatures game as I always imagine they could be…