Revelation Games
Bringing Essen to You.
When we visited Essen, we were amazed at the number of excellent games from small publishers that never make it to the UK. So we decided to take a stand at UKGE so those publisher's games can be seen, played and bought in the UK
Come to our stand and experience games from South Korea, Singapore, Finland, Germany and the US that you will not see elsewhere at UKGE

Classified Information
Classified Information is a fast-playing (15-minutes or less), 2-player "iterative" deduction game. A kind of Love Letter meets Mastermind.
New in 2025, Classified Information is only available at UKGE on the Revelation Games stand, 3-745, near CGE.
Available in both s standard, and deluxe version. As well as a number of luxury components, the deluxe version contains 2 new cases and sells for £45
Your job is to protect your secret code by cleverly deploying card abilities, by seeking help from the Guards, Assassins, and Sentinels, and by encrypting information when you can. But espionage is a two-way street. While trying to deny your opponent information about your secret code, you must try to crack theirs.
Each turn a player plays a card from their hand in one of three ways (for its ability, for its guild affiliation or by discarding it out of the game). Once the draw deck is depleted players reveal their secret code and the single card left in their hand, if their card matches a number in their opponent's code they may win the game, but things may not be so easy if their opponent also matches and has more guards.
Will you be able to access your opponent’s Classified Information?
Cube Express
Welcome to Cube Express, where you'll embark on a thrilling journey through the heart of the industrial revolution. Carcassone with railways perhaps!
Cube Express is only available at UKGE on the Revelation Games stand, 3-745, near CGE.
In Cube Express, you step into the shoes of visionary railroad magnates, tasked with expanding your network of tracks across the landscape of the 19th century as steam engines roar to life and cities swell with newfound prosperity. As you lay track and expand your network, you'll transport passengers, resources, and goods to their destinations, fueling the engine of progress, expanding cities and reaping the rewards of your enterprise.

Digit Code
In Digit Code, players creates a secret six-digit code, and players race to deduce their oponents code.
New in 2025, Digit Code is only available at UKGE on the Revelation Games stand, 3-745, near CGE.
But they can only ask 4 questions, and the can't repeat a question to they have asked all 4:
How many spaces in row or column are filled?
Is the number odd or even?
Is one of the digits greater than adjacent one?
Is the segment in a given row or column filled?

Orapa Mine
Awarded the Dice Tower Seal of Excellence, Orapa Mine has been described as Battleships on Steroids
New in 2025, Orapa Mine is only available at UKGE on the Revelation Games stand, 3-745, near CGE.
Players set out geometric shapes on a grid in a hidden pattern. Unlike Battleships you simply provide a single number or letter; you will not get a hit or miss response. Rather, depending on what shape(s) your virtual lazer beam hits, you wll get a single letter or number reposne plus a colour.
From these clues you must deduce your opponents layout. First to do so wins!

Prowl: Clans and Cunning
Control the clans, seize the throne. A quick, competitive card game of scheming and intrigue.
New in 2025, Prowl is only available at UKGE on the Revelation Games stand, 3-745, near CGE.
Prowl is a quick, competitive, highly interactive strategy card game for 2 to 5 players.
By manipulating the various factions, players scheme to ensure the one they’ve secretly chosen emerges on top.
Pit the clans against each other, switch sides to keep your enemies guessing, and accuse your opponents to forestall their plans.. Every clan has a host of colourful characters, each with their own special abilities.
As conflict threatens the animal kingdom, your only loyalty lies with the victor.

Verdun - A thematic card game set in the trenches of WWI. In Verdun, every card has a price, every trick a consequence, and every hand a dilemma.
New in 2025, Verdun is only available at UKGE on the Revelation Games stand 3-745, near CGE. We will have the Kickstarter Deluxe version for sale as well as the Mud and Blood Expansion
Verdun is a 1v1 or 2v2 card game which revisits the fighting between the German and French armies on the World War I battlefields of Verdun. As the hands dwindle, players will have to play cards that help the other side but must time it strategically to minimise their own casualties.
The teams alternate being the attacker, mirroring the back-and-forth nature of the Verdun battles and bringing costly decision making to the table. Every card played has consequences, and every round is a tension-filled challenge.

Verdun Expansion: Mud and Blood
Adds 18 cards to the Verdun base game
The Mud and Blood operates as a separate situation/event/weather deck. These cards describe the time of the attack and give some restrictions and bonuses.
New in 2025, Mud and Blood is only available at UKGE on the Revelation Games stand, 3-745, near CGE.