The Wanderer's Tome
Find the Ennie-nominated TTRPG Flabbergasted, Deadline - A Clockwork Press, and more!
The Wanderer’s Tome is an Ennie-nominated game design studio run by Maltese sisters Fleur and Chelsea Sciortino.
The two have a passion for all manner of tabletop roleplaying games. Together they write, produce and design lighthearted roleplaying content that's comedic, character-driven and unique in setting. They are also dedicated to creating inclusive and diverse games.
Their work includes the ENNIE-nominated 1920s comedic TTRPG Flabbergasted, the build-a-portrait sticker book The Wanderer's Companion, and their latest solo TTRPG, Deadline - A Clockwork Press!
Visit our table to play through a game of Flabbergasted!

Wanderer's Companion
Wanderer’s Companion is a sticker book designed to help you create a portrait of your TTRPG character!
Whether your character is a flamboyant wizard or a halfling with a penchant for stabbing, Wanderer’s Companion can help you realize your vision!